Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Laws of Simplicity

The easiest way to simplify something from it, is to remove things.

Organization makes a system of many appear fewer

Savings Time feel like Simplicity

Knowledge makes everything simpler

Simplicity and Complexity need each other

What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

More emotions are better than less

In simplicity we trust

Some things can never be made simple.

Reading from the laws of simplicity really made me question design a lot. Sometimes it is hard to know when to stop in a design, when to step back and realize that every inch does not need to be filled. But it's also important to find a balance between filled and simple. That is why designing is tough because sometimes you have to consider the audience and the tone of the project. There are so many things to consider when creating something for a project. Reading this really gave me some new perspective on design.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always very insightful! Keep up the awesome work. Hope you are getting some valuable info from the assignments!
